
5 Awesome Health Benefits of White Wine

Health Benefits of White Wine

For decades, people have indulged in a glass of red wine every night, thanks to the notion that it can help promote heart health. But why should red wine get all the love? More and more research suggests that there are health benefits of white wine as well.

If you enjoy winding down at night with a glass of white but feel a little guilty that it’s not as “healthy” as a glass of red, this article is for you.

So, pour a glass of Pinot Grigio and sit back to learn all about the ways your body can benefit from drinking white wine.

1. Lung Health

Both red and white wines contain powerful antioxidants that benefit your body. White wines, in particular, include nutrients that promote healthy lung tissue.

This means you can breathe a little bit easier the next time you pour yourself a glass of your favorite chardonnay.

2. Cognitive Health

The next time you and your friends head out for a wine tasting at a place like D’Vine Wine Tours, you could be helping your brain.

In 2018, a study was released detailing the impacts of polyphenols extracted from the white wine and given to mice.

After a span of two months, scientists found that the mice had a lower risk of developing issues that eventually led to Alzheimer’s.

3. Cardiovascular Health

Of course, as we mentioned above, it’s no secret that red wine is believed to help keep your heart healthy. But, the same is true for white wine.

Studies show that drinking wine can help repair cells in your blood vessels and decrease inflammation throughout your body.

This is, in part, thanks to the natural antioxidants found in the skin of grapes used to make white wine.

4. Weight Loss

Who among us doesn’t have a couple of extra pounds they’d like to lose? If you thought you’d have to give up alcohol in order to reach your goal weight, think again.

Some of the antioxidants in wine, like resveratrol, can help promote weight loss. However, the key is to drink it in moderation and stay away from very sweet white wines.

Indulging too much can have the opposite effect, leading to weight gain.

5. Lower Cholesterol

Some studies show that the combination of regular exercise and drinking wine can help lower cholesterol.

However, in order to potentially see results in lowering your LDL cholesterol, you can’t skip the exercise.

Participants in one study saw the best results when exercising at least twice a week and drinking a few times per week as well.

Enjoy These Health Benefits of White Wine

Now that you know more about the health benefits of white wine, why not pour yourself a glass in the name of healthy living?

Just remember to not overindulge and try to stick to dry, less sweet types, as the sweet wines won’t do as much for your overall health.

Looking for something to read while you sip? Be sure to check out some of our other articles before you go!

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