
Best Science Websites for Students

Science Websites for Students

Science is a fascinating discipline with many fields of study. But where can you get reliable information to stay motivated? What can you learn that could move you toward a scientific career? To help you answer these questions, we decided to give you a quick list of the best and most reliable Science Websites for Students.

Bill Nye

Official Site

Bill Nye has created one of the best Science Websites for Students. The reason is that he makes science look fun. As a scientist, he is especially dedicated to explaining difficult subjects in simple terms. You can see his method in his popular show Bill Nye the Science Guy. You can also buy some of his books:

It will depend on the book you want to buy. For example, the book Unstoppable is priced at $9.5 in hardcover on Amazon and $9.99 on Kindle. If you want to watch the episodes of their show, you need an active Netflix account.

This man’s background includes an engineer at Boeing, CEO of The Planetary Society, and comedian, among others. So he knows what he’s talking about when he explains a subject to you.



You can’t ask for a better teacher if you like energy while learning or your kids like it. This is the right place.

Science News

Official Site

Since 1921 this non-profit magazine has been chronicling the important facts of science. The site always works in an objective manner and with the desire to inform you. They strive to cover all important scientific facts. The goal is for you to have the tools to draw your s. You can explore topics such as:

All content listed here is free. From the website, you can access all articles published online and the print edition. All you need to do is subscribe.

They claim they make a great effort to give you accurate and unbiased information. And they always publish the source and data of the information discussed in their article unless there are reasons not to do so, which is valid.



Science News is the perfect website for high school and college students. It will help you understand how to write a scientifically sound article. And it will keep you updated with the latest news from different fields.


Official Site

It’s a laboratory that’s dedicated to learning. It does this not only with science but also with art and human perception. They do research and then present the results to you through experiences. Their exhibitions, videos, and other material are shared with museums worldwide.

All content on this website is free. Naturally, the tickets to the events they organize are paid for. They also offer several free applications:

As the content is based on experiments you can repeat, the content is reliable. Many museums rely on their work.



This website is up-to-date on how science affects and influences society. It can help you perceive science as a tool for art or social issues.


Official Site

This site was born at the hand of a very curious university professor. Today the content team creates material that can be very useful to you in many ways. They have a constantly expanding team of content creators. They prepare videos, audio, and articles that can be instructive to the curious. Some podcasts are about:

The educational content of this site is free. This includes what you post on social networks. Advertisers support the site.

All the content indicates who the author is. And you can browse the site for information about the author. Or, if you wish, complete their demanding test to become an author.



The website is adapted to today’s youth. It uses a lot of the list format to make the information attractive. Nevertheless, some junk articles are lying around, which is a huge downside for our list.

Science Toys

Official Site

Website oriented to parents who want to help their young children. It has ideas from various areas for kids to learn about. It prepares toys and experiments that, as a parent, you can do with your elementary school child. Although they look like simple experiments, the instructions are exact. You will have to supervise the procedure.  Some topics are:

The content is free. A different matter is to have the materials for testing. But they are usually inexpensive. And if you want, you can buy the books on which this site is based.

You don’t need to give personal data or email addresses to explore the site At any time. There are no dangers.



Perfect for teaching children some scientific principles with homemade toys. Each instruction list has useful illustrations.


Official Site

Founded by Dr. Avraham Kadar, you will find innovative methods to understand complicated things on this site. It is a site with resources to complement the core subjects of education. And if you are a teacher, you have tools optimized for the virtual classroom. Right now, the site has three main sections:

Getting educated on this site may seem a little expensive. To access all content, you must pay a one-year subscription for $220. The BrainPOP Jr version costs $160 per year. School plans cost $1,650 a year if you work in a school.

The content is prepared for all kinds of audiences. So you and your children will benefit. As a result, they’ve earned recognition from Common Sense Media, Forbes, and the District Administration, among others.



Brainpop is designed to help you if you have difficulty learning certain things. In addition to activities, it has educational films.

Let’s Talk Science

Official Site

Let’s Talk Science is focused on helping young Canadians prepare for the future. Its activities are science-oriented. It schedules activities and provides tools for teachers to strengthen their students’ skills. Its main method is to use volunteers to educate curious young people.

The events are free, online or in person. It is possible thanks to the volunteer program and donations.

Volunteers are people who are committed to the idea of the website. To encourage them, they are rewarded with annual recognition:



There is almost no material online, the one that is difficult to access.

All the free activities are intended to help young Canadians improve. Prepare them for the work system in their country and internationally.

Understanding Science

Official Site

It aims to make science fun and easy to understand. They want you to discover the fun side of science. So prepare articles that can help you easily understand complex topics. They even have an extensive glossary if you are unfamiliar with the terms. Their goal is:

Everything you find on this science site is free. They have partners who fund their operations and allow some projects to be taken care of while benefiting from most research.

Since you don’t need to provide information unless you subscribe to the newsletter, there is nothing to fear regarding security.



Understanding Science is one of the most useful Science Websites for Students. Besides giving you tools to understand everything easily, it helps teachers do the same.

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