
Common Foundation Problems And How To Fix Them

Foundation Problems

Like most homeowners, you probably think of your foundation as the unseen support system that keeps your house off the ground. And while it’s true that your foundation does a lot of heavy lifting, it’s also one of the most visible parts of your home. That’s why ensuring that your foundation is in good shape and not experiencing any common problems is important. We will take a look at some of the most common foundation problems and how to fix them.

Foundation Drowning

One of the most common foundation problems is caused by what’s known as “foundation drowning.” This happens when the soil around your foundation becomes oversaturated with water. This can happen due to heavy rains, faulty gutters, or even irrigation systems that are set too high.

If this is the case, you have a house foundation in need of repair by the hands of a professional. When the soil around your foundation is oversaturated, it puts pressure on your foundation and can cause cracks or even total collapse. If you think your foundation might be suffering from drowning, you should call a professional right away. They can assess the damage and recommend the best course of action.

Soil Shrinkage

Another common problem that can affect your foundation is soil shrinkage. This happens when the soil around your foundation dries out and shrinks. This can be caused by many things, including drought conditions, improper drainage, or leaks in your foundation. Soil shrinkage can put a lot of stress on your foundation and can cause cracks or other damage.

If you think your foundation might be suffering from soil shrinkage, you should call a professional right away so that they can assess the extent of the shrinkage and recommend the best course of action.

Tree Roots and Earthquake Damage

Another common problem that can affect your foundation is tree roots. Tree roots can grow and destabilize your foundation, causing cracks or total collapse. If you have trees near your home, it’s important to have them regularly checked by a professional. They can tell if the roots are causing problems and recommend the best course of action. Additionally, if you live in an area that is prone to earthquakes, your foundation could be at risk for damage.

Earthquakes can cause cracks or even the total collapse of your foundation. If you think your foundation might be damaged by an earthquake, you should call a contractor to assess the damage on-site and recommend what needs to be done next. In most cases, repairs are costly but necessary. 


Another common problem that can affect your foundation is flooding. This can happen due to heavy rains, storms, or faulty plumbing. Flooding can cause cracks or even the total collapse of your foundation. If you think your foundation might be at risk for flooding, you should call a professional right away.

They can assess the damage and recommend the best course of action. Additionally, flooding can cause mold and mildew to grow in your home. You should call a professional if you think your home might be at risk for mold or mildew. 

Thus, another common problem that can affect your foundation is leaks. Leaks can happen for several reasons, including faulty plumbing, cracks in your foundation, or even poor drainage. Leaks can cause serious damage to your foundation and can even lead to total collapse. 


One of the most common foundation problems is a settlement. Settlement happens when your foundation sinks into the ground. This can be caused by several things, including poor drainage, improperly compacted soil, or even a change in the water table. Settlement can put a lot of stress on your foundation and can cause cracks or other damage.

If you think your foundation might be settling, it’s important to have it checked out by a professional as soon as possible. One way to fix a settling foundation is to add more support around the perimeter of the foundation. This can be done by adding piers or helical piles. Piers are driven into the ground until they reach a solid layer of soil. Helical piles are screwed into the ground like giant screws. These options can provide extra support for your foundation and help prevent further settlement.

Frost Heave and Expansive Soil

Another common foundation problem is frost heave. Frost heave happens when the ground freezes and expands, putting pressure on your foundation. This can cause cracks or even a total collapse of your foundation. If you think your foundation might be at risk for frost heave, you should call a professional immediately.

They can assess the damage and recommend the best course of action. Additionally, make sure to schedule regular maintenance. Another common foundation problem is caused by what’s known as “expansive soil.” This is because soil swells when it gets wet and shrinks when it dries. This can put a lot of stress on your foundation and can cause cracks or other damage. If you think your foundation might be affected by expansive soil, call a professional right away to assess the damage.

Poor Workmanship

One of the most common foundation problems is poor workmanship. This can happen if your foundation is not built properly or if it is not repaired correctly. If you think your foundation might have been damaged by poor workmanship, you should call a professional right away.

They can assess the damage and recommend the best course of action. Additionally, if your foundation was built by a contractor who is no longer in business, you might have trouble getting it repaired. In this case, you should immediately call a new and more experienced professional.

Several common foundation problems can affect your home. These include earthquakes, floods, leaks, settlements, frost heave, and expansive soil. If you think your home might be at risk for any of these problems, you should immediately call a professional. They can assess the damage and recommend the best course of action.

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