
6 Dental Hygiene Facts You Should Know but Don’t

Dental Hygiene Facts

Did you know that oral hygiene can affect your entire health?

Are you looking for dental hygiene facts? Not to worry! In this guide, we’ll go over some interesting oral hygiene facts.

1. Do You Have Bleeding Gums?

If you have any gum issues, this could affect your teeth, even causing you to lose them. Some people experience bleeding in their gums but don’t call their dentist.

Make sure you don’t leave your bleeding gums untreated, even if they aren’t painful. Bleeding gums could be an underlying symptom of inflammation or chronic gingivitis.

Over time, the skin in your mouth will get sore and tender. This will make it harder to eat certain foods, and your teeth will begin to deteriorate.

2. Don’t Brush Too Hard

If you apply too much pressure when you’re brushing your teeth, you can cause your gums to bleed. It can also lead to receding skin around your teeth. So next time you reach for your toothbrush, go a little lighter.

3. Some People Are Allergic to Their Toothpaste

This often surprises people, but there are toothpaste sensitivities and allergies. It’s hard to tell if you’re experiencing this. But a common symptom is if you feel a burn on the inside of your cheeks.

You could also notice peeling skin on the inside part of your mouth. Have you experienced tingling sensations? These are signs that your body doesn’t react well to the chemicals in the toothpaste you’re using. Pick up an all-natural brand instead.

4. Fruit and Enamel

If you are pursuing a healthy diet, you might eat many fruits. They provide many minerals and vitamins that help our immune systems remain stable. But did you know that they can affect tooth enamel?

Drink fruit juice with a straw and rinse your mouth with water afterward. Try to eat low-sugar and low-acidity fruits like peaches, apples, and berries.

5. Bad Breath Is the Sign of a Bigger Problem

Did you know that most people with lousy bread have an underlying dental condition? So mouthwash isn’t the solution if you have bad breath due to a dental issue.

Talk to your dentist to see how they can help. Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day, and make sure you floss. This will help reduce bad breath.

6. Medication Can Alter Your Teeth

Prescription medications can affect your teeth and the environment of your mouth. For example, some medicines can cause dry mouth and tooth decay.

Let your dentist know if you have been prescribed new medications. Then, your dentist can consider this change when they think about your future treatment.

If your kids need a check-up, bring them to a pediatric dentist.

Don’t Forget These Dental Hygiene Facts

We hope you found this guide on oral health helpful. Now that you know these dental hygiene facts work hard to maintain your dental health.

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