
Best Esoteric and Consciousness Websites


There are many reasons why mystery catches our attention, and unlike in past centuries, the magic of divination is at the reach of our fingertips. At this time, when it is possible to open your consciousness to new experiences, the internet is full of esoteric pages with interesting information that can help you better understand your astral configuration and have a better connection with your Higher Self.

For this reason, we created for you a list of the best esoteric and consciousness Websites in which you can get to know your spirituality better, as well as the wonders hidden around the world:

Awakening People

Official Site

This website is fascinating. Although its design is quite basic And, unfortunately does not have a search engine or any associated order, you can easily find what you are looking for.

On the home page, you will get a quote every week, followed by the last posts uploaded to the page.

Here you will get Interesting information, such as a test to know the type of spiritual contract under which your soul works or guides to understand How the moon affects your abundance and what you can do to improve your situation based on the stars.

The second section of this page, “Moon & Stars,” is your weekly horoscope. With information about your energetic characteristics, elements can help you bring better conditions into your life. Such as your lucky color, a phrase of abundance, or the parts of your body to which you should give priority.

Get Esoteric

Official Site

this website is much bigger than the one we mentioned before, and it is probably one of the first places you should visit if you enter the world of the stars.

They have a menu redirecting you to the window to enter the system, blogs, vlogs, and community groups on the home page.

Different from the site above, Get Esoteric also works with the personal development part. So, you will find plenty of information on How to find your motivation to overcome your defects and even find meditations and other tools to avoid depression.

Additionally, they have a great gallery of vlogs with unique content and some articles with mystery elements such as ghost case research, UFOS, and more.

OM Times

Official Site

Maybe what you are looking for moves further away from the esoteric and seeks spirituality. In that case, OMTimes is the ideal place for you to start your search.

Although this website also offers you your weekly horoscope focuses mainly on the spiritual part of the human being especially taking elements from Buddhism.

You will find important information for your personal and spiritual development on this website, such as guidelines for accepting your negative side or learning to deal with negative people.

There are also several guides to meditation sessions and great content on spiritual/health news.

Finally, OM Times has a digital magazine to subscribe to via Kindle, Google Play, iTunes, Issuu, and Magzter.  –The price varies depending on the platform.

The Open Mind

Official Site

As with the previous entry on our list, The Open Mind is nothing more than a blog dedicated to giving you information about the most incredible things that happen in the world every day.

However, this one is quite different from the previous one since it is much more organized, dividing the incredible and interesting news that they embody in the post into six different categories:

In each of these categories, you will find great information and news related to the specific topic –Although most of the time, the News category overlaps with the others, it is a “blog-less” mix of news from all the others.

Additionally, you can follow them on their Facebook page and constantly receive news updates in your Feed, so you don’t have to search outside the web.


Official Site is a complete blog in which you can receive all kinds of information concerning the human side of spiritual well-being.

The blogs arranged on this page are divided into the following categories:

Dedicated to human interaction news and information –Topics like “compassion in times of war” and news of that nature.

Dedicated to offering information on improving your health without a specific focus –Covering all body, mind, and soul.

A section filled with studies based on facts –mostly on spirituality and philosophy –And other related topics.

As with the previous page, uplift allows you to receive Blog updates directly in your Facebook feed. You can also subscribe to offering your email to receive news directly without entering the website.

The topics touched by this website are quite varied, ranging from news relevant to the human world. Mostly those related to compassion, environmental science, and war, scientific journals with information on all kinds of human capabilities, evolution, technology, and philosophical.

Academy of Wisdom Teaching EU – (Not available anymore)

Returning to the world of Mystic, this web page represents the Academy that conglomerate the information of dozens of doctrines of astrology, spirituality, theology, and religion.

Like any educational system, the plans offered at the information level are prepared based on scientific facts, even though the measurable results are mostly subjective.

Among the topics you might find on this page are:

Besides, the site offers a group of tools such as the location and directory of spiritual retreats, schools of this type of dogma in Europe, tools to measure your meditations, and a complete library of digital elements.

The only bad thing about this website is that its design makes it quite difficult to use since all the options available for your search are in the menu on the left-hand side, without an appropriate order.

Most informative courses are videos of approximately 30 minutes to a few hours, with punctual information about what you should do to improve your knowledge in each case.

This site is special because it connects you with a wide variety of information and a wide directory of sources for all the worlds of science, esoteric, and spirituality.

At the End

This list of websites is designed to give you a great deal of manageable information about the esoteric, spiritual, and human parts of the world, usually hidden from our simple sight.

If what you are looking for is information to train yourself in a certain way in this world, the best thing to do is to follow pages such as OMTimes or Academy of Wisdom Teaching EU.

On the other hand, if you aim to get information to expand your way of seeing this world, The Open Mind and Uplift are the best options. I recommend that you stay abreast of the most incredible things around us.

What are you waiting for? Start learning more about the spiritual world we live in!

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