
Full Fat Milk, Low Fat, or Skim? Which is Healthiest?

Full Fat Milk

Supermarket shelves are brimming with milk options of all kinds: non-fat, low-fat, full-fat, plant-based, nut-based, and fortified milk. The choices are endless, but which type of milk is actually good for you?

Whether you love drinking milk as is or just use it as a coffee creamer or in cereal, each type has different nutrients and fat content.

Keep reading to learn about the differences between skim, low-fat, and full-fat milk, and discover how to choose the healthiest milk to drink.

Full Fat Milk

Full-fat milk is milk that hasn’t been stripped of its fat content. You’ll recognize it as a 3.25 or 3.5 percent milk fat content with a creamy, full-bodied consistency. Full-fat milk nutrition contains more calories than all other types of milk, along with other nutrients not present in low-fat milk.

The best type of full-fat milk for your health would be organic milk that comes from free-range grass-fed cows. This means the cows are not fed growth hormones and are not kept confined but rather let to roam free. Visit to learn more about the highest quality milk and dairy on the market.

Low-Fat Milk and Skim Milk

Low-fat milk is milk with a fat content of about 1.5 to two percent, while skim milk is milk with no fat content. Both types of milk are heavily processed to remove the fat, so most of the content is water and additives. During this process, the milk also loses a lot of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, so these kinds of milk are often fortified.

For instance, if you’re trying to lose weight and opt for no-fat milk, think again. Always read the labels and do your own research, as low fat or no fat doesn’t always mean healthy or low in calories. Many brands add tons of other unhealthy ingredients to make up for the lost nutrients and fats, so you’ll end up with more calories than if you chose regular whole milk.

Plant-Based Milk

Plant-based milk is also called alternative milk and includes nut and plant milk such as:

Though these ingredients are all healthy and with great nutritional value when eaten fresh, they might not fulfill your daily dietary needs when made into milk. This is why they’re often fortified with fats, sugar, vitamins, and thickeners.

Some crops like soy can also be genetically modified and might not be the best choice if you’re trying to eat healthier.

So, Which Milk Should You Choose?

Now that you know the different types of milk and their nutrients, you can choose the best type for your health, lifestyle, and dietary preferences. For some, full-fat milk is the best option; others prefer plant-based vegan options. It’s all about listening to your body and giving it what it needs.

If you have any allergies or intolerances, always talk to your doctor before trying something new.

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