
7 Bad Habits That Keep You From Abundance


Living in Abundance is not just about money. It is about appreciating everything life has to give. And as most people don’t have the time or extra cash to take a class or assist a retirement, we decided to bring you five pieces of advice to live your life in wealth and Abundance.

What is Abundance?

Abundance is a rather old word. It has its roots within the Latin abudantia. The primary meaning of this word refers mainly to the amount of something, not in a small way but speaking in terms of a large amount.

Currently, this term denotes what people see as wealth or well-being, whether within a place or with a person. It has no direct limitation that can limit its use.

Today, phrases about well-being vary greatly, as they can refer to an economic, personal, or material sphere. For example, “Swimming in abundance” is open to multiple interpretations, with the person having to give it its meaning.

Therefore, we can find ourselves with different perceptions of what Abundance is. Still, something in which we can agree is that people, throughout their lives, will look for a way to develop habits or customs that allow them to live under their concept of Abundance.

Next, we will be talking about those habits that make us move away from Abundance, either because we have a wrong concept of what it is or because we may not know how to handle things to get the expected results.

What habits keep us from Abundance?

In this life, some things are true, and that is what you call you will get. It may not be something quick. It may take years to get it, but as long as the thought is correct, the results will come, and they will come with a reward.

Within the following list, we will talk about those habits, customs, or actions that keep us from the results we want.

Criticize the one who has more

Another thing that keeps you away from Abundance is criticizing those who have more. And we do not only talk about charging. Creating envy is not healthy.

This shows us that, as people, we are not capable of achieving more than we already have, but we take for granted that our capabilities cannot make us go further.

This tends to make people procrastinate and not seek to improve what they have since they imagine that people who have achieved greater Abundance are doing so illegally because it has come to them by some facility or because they have done something terrible to people. But leaving this aside, the real problem begins when a person only criticizes, without acting to find a solution to his problems.

Lack of ingenuity and creativity

Today, we know that some factors directly influence the ability to achieve Abundance.

One is ingenuity, a determining factor for people who want to get ahead. Using their invention can design new strategies, projects, or businesses, and that driving with creativity can make something a success.

Although not all people have this element in their daily lives, they are factors that can be developed with a bit of practice.

Within this point, we also take factors from the previous one since there are people who have a high level of ingenuity and creativity but decide that it is better to settle for the little they have obtained or criticize those who have managed to undertake to succeed.

This does not only apply within economic areas but can also be seen within personal areas, not wanting to come up with new ways to make friends, encourage family life, or be creative in giving something away.

Spending instead of investing

Sometimes our income becomes stable, but we don’t know how to manage it from that point on.

Some people decide to spend it without thinking about what they might do in the future, some choose to keep the money, and others choose that the best option is to invest what they receive for a higher return.

Many people are not able to find the right place to bet on. Others are afraid of being scammed. Others do not see beyond their horizon of possibilities. These factors take away a person’s capacity for Abundance since they are not capable of taking risks and decide to spend all their money, and not in the correct way.

Living in a fantasy world

It is not a myth that all people tend to have small unrealistic dreams, those dreams where the fantastic is more striking than real life. But the truth is that in several cases, people decide to stay stuck inside their fantasy world. This is because they think that inside their imaginary bubble, everything will stay fine when the truth is that it is the opposite of the real world.

A person who lives locked up inside his imagination will have various problems. He will not be able to come up with new projects, to think creatively about how to solve problems, much less be able to achieve absolute comfort since inside his little imaginary world, he has enough to live on.

Lack of effort and little enthusiasm when working

This point is closely linked to the first two on the list, as they are directly related to them. The fact that a person lacks the desire to make an effort for something shows his level of conformity with what he has or thinks is not enough to continue growing. Enthusiasm is similar, as they see how people above them have achieved results quickly and have not.

Also, the lack of effort can be present in more areas, not only within work. If a person does not try to improve other areas, such as personal or economic, they will be sunk in a place where Abundance is further away.

They are doing nothing to make things happen.

Standing still is easy. You know something will happen but do not know when or how. Within your way of seeing things, you should not do anything to make something happen.

Everything that happens around you is fine, and there is no need to act, propose or develop anything to make things happen.

This type of mentality goes hand in hand with what is conformity, although they are not extremely close. However, in both mentalities, people share something in common; they do not see the need to act independently.

They think that what is obtained is sufficient and therefore should not make further effort to attract better things, may at some point these arrive, as may not, and both cases are well within this type of mentality.

Abundance Mentality

Within this point, we can also observe those people with a need, the victims, saying that what does not happen is due to external factors, by people outside them, or because they say they do not have enough luck to succeed.

But the truth is that all this is entirely relative, we can say that in some cases, external factors have an influence, but the one who mainly has the power over the actions is the victimized person. Therefore, the change must start from the root.


This is one of the most dangerous areas since we will always think of being within a comfort zone, without wanting to take risks, without wishing to bring new adventures, among other reasons.

Settling for having little and not wanting to bet on more is an area that will eventually take its toll, as Abundance will move away, and unless radical actions are taken to create change, the results will be the same.

Conformity closes doors since it makes people feel that their capacities have already reached a limit.

An example is settling for a job that doesn’t give you enough money, a partner that doesn’t fill you up or simply not changing fundamental aspects of your life for fear of change.

To Sum Up

Having said all of the above, we can see that people can develop different areas, eventually translating into what they want to achieve or obtain.

But as long as you have a vague mentality, we can see how this lack will push away all the good, making you perceive yourself as not good enough for something. This way, victimizing yourself by society does not provide opportunities.

Now, we can conclude that many habits keep Abundance away, but by reversing all this, the results can be very favorable, knowing that the acts that must be done begin with one, not with external people.

Do you know where to start if you have any of these areas and think it’s time to improve? Do you know what deficiencies to attack? Or do you plan to wait for something to happen?

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