
6 of the Highest Paying Healthcare Jobs

Highest Paying Healthcare Jobs

Did you know that the median medical school debt for 2018 graduates was $195,000?

While this may seem like an obscene amount of money, the good news is that most students can pay off their debt quickly after landing high-paying jobs.

We all know you shouldn’t enter the medical field if you’re just in it for the money. But knowing how much money you will make can help guide your future decisions.

So, which healthcare jobs pay the most?

Check out this guide to discover the highest-paying healthcare jobs.

1. Physicians and Surgeons

It is no surprise that physicians and surgeons make the most money out of any healthcare profession. After all, to become a physician or surgeon, you must do a decade or more of schooling.

However, how much you make as a physician or surgeon can vary widely depending on your specialty. For example, if you specialize in anesthesiology, you can expect to make nearly $300,000 annually. But, if you specialize in pediatrics, you can expect to make closer to $150,000 per year. Of course, $150,000 is still an excellent salary, but it’s worth knowing that there’s quite a gap between the highest-paid physicians and the lowest-paid physicians.

Because surgery is such a demanding field, surgeons tend to be compensated very well across the area. On average, surgeons make around $250,000 per year. However, this can vary slightly depending on your specialty and location.

2. Orthodontist

When you need braces, you’ll see an orthodontist.

Orthodontists primarily focus on issues with crooked teeth and improper bites. In addition, they examine the jaws and mouths of patients to put together an orthodontic treatment plan that will help patients perfect their smiles.

In terms of credentials, orthodontists are dentists with more education. To become an orthodontist, one must first go to dentistry school. So this means that all orthodontists are also dentists.

To become an orthodontist, you must first earn an undergraduate degree, preferably in a science-related field. Then, you’ll go on to dentistry school, which lasts four years. After this, you’ll need two to three years of specialized training to become an orthodontist. Finally, after completing an orthodontic residency, you must pass a written exam to practice as an orthodontist.

You can expect to earn nearly $200,000 a year as an orthodontist.

4. Dentist

While orthodontists make slightly more money than dentists, you can still earn an excellent salary in this career field.

In 2018, dentists earned an average of $175,850. And the job growth rate in this field is relatively high, as over 100,000 jobs are expected to open up through 2028. However, as we mentioned, you must complete an undergrad degree and dentistry school to become a dentist.

3. Optometrist

If helping people achieve perfect vision instead of perfect teeth sounds more like your calling, you may want to consider a career as an optometrist.

Optometrists examine and treat visual problems. They also manage any injuries or diseases related to the eye. If you’ve ever been fit for contact lenses or glasses, then you’ve been to an optometrist.

To become an optometrist, you don’t need medical school. However, you need to earn a doctorate in optometry, which usually takes four years. The average salary for an optometrist is $125,000.

5. Nurse Midwife

Nursing is a highly demanding career. And unfortunately, many nurses aren’t fairly compensated for their hard work.

Luckily, there are some nursing fields where the pay closely matches the job’s demands. One such career is that of a nurse-midwife. But unfortunately, when most people think of a nurse-midwife, they think of a woman in long robes giving herbal medicines to a birthing mother.

However, this is an outdated depiction of nurse midwives, as becoming a certified nurse-midwife takes a lot of hard work and schooling.

To become a certified nurse-midwife, you must first obtain a bachelor’s degree in nursing and then obtain licensure as a registered nurse. Then, when working as an RN, you’ll want to pursue a specialization in neonatal care. After gaining some experience as an RN, you’ll then need to enter either a Master of Science in Nursing Program or a Doctor of Nursing Practice program with a specialty in nurse-midwifery.

Your work will provide gynecological and neonatal care to women and families. The average salary for a nurse-midwife is a little over $109,000.

6. Nurse Practitioner

If being around babies doesn’t sound like a career for you, you may want to consider a career as a nurse practitioner.

As a nurse practitioner, you’ll take on additional responsibilities when administering care to patients that RNs cannot fulfill. For example, nurse practitioners can examine patients, diagnose illnesses, prescribe medicine, and provide treatment, much like physicians.

This is an excellent career for anyone who wants to be challenged further as a nurse and is interested in taking on many of the same responsibilities as a physician. The average salary for a nurse practitioner is a little over $107,000.

After you become a nurse practitioner, you may even want to consider climbing the ladder further and becoming a healthcare executive. You can learn more about this through the healthcare executive search.

Highest Paying Healthcare Jobs: Which One is for You?

As you can see, there are a lot of exciting and high-paying healthcare jobs out there. Now, all you need to do is decide which career is right for you and then start pursuing your dreams!

Before you know it, you’ll be working a job you love and making great money.

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