
How Does the Scoring for Rugby Actually Work?

Scoring for Rugby

Are you interested in learning more about rugby? Perhaps you practice rugby and want to improve your skills, or you are a coach and want to provide coaching to your players. To improve your skills or provide a better coaching experience, you need to learn how rugby scoring works. You want to learn the basics of rugby scoring, don’t you? Don’t worry–we’ve got you covered. In this concise, quick guide, you’ll receive information about how scoring for rugby works. Keep reading and use it to provide a better gameplay experience for yourself or your team.

The Try

A try is the primary way to score points in rugby. It’s like scoring a touchdown in American football but with a rugby twist. When a player successfully crosses the opposing team’s try line and touches the ball down on the ground, they earn their team 5 points.


After a try is scored, the team has the opportunity to earn extra points through a conversion kick. The conversion kick takes place perpendicular to where the try was scored.

A successful conversion kick adds 2 points to the team’s score. This kick requires precision and accuracy, as it’s taken from a position where the try was scored.

Conversions are crucial for teams aiming to maximize their point advantage. But a conversion attempt is not a guaranteed score, and the pressure to execute it perfectly can be immense.

Penalty Kick

When a team violates rugby rules (like tripping someone intentionally), and a penalty is awarded, they might face the penalty kick. The team can decide to go for a penalty kick at the spot of the violation, and if they succeed in kicking the ball through the goalposts, they earn 3 points. This is a team’s chance to turn a negative (getting penalized) into a positive (earning points). But remember, this kick requires precise accuracy.

Drop Goals

Drop goals are a less common but valuable way to score points in playing rugby. A drop goal occurs during open play when a player kicks the ball over the crossbar and between the goalposts. This action is worth 3 points and can be executed only once naturally in the flow of the game.

Unlike conversion kicks and penalty kicks, which are taken from a stationary ball, drop goals require the kicker to make the shot while on the move. This adds an element of surprise and skill to the gameplay.

Penalty Try

Now, let’s say a player would have undoubtedly scored a try if not for the opposing team’s foul play – like someone tackling them unfairly. In this case, the referee might award a penalty try. The team is granted 7 points, which includes an automatic 5 points for the try plus 2 points for the conversion without the need for an actual conversion kick.

So, if you are planning to form a rugby team, it would be wise to consider acquiring all blacks rugby jersey. This strategic decision can distinguish your team from others and potentially increase your chances of success.

The Ultimate Guide to Scoring for Rugby

In conclusion, scoring for rugby is a complex but exciting part of the game. With different ways of scoring, understanding how to tally the points can make all the difference in who comes out on top. So for avid rugby fans, don’t leave it up to chance – get out there and study how scoring works!

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