
How Much Should I Charge to Mow a Lawn?

Mow a Lawn

According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Landscape Professionals, more than 80% of Americans have lawns. Many of these people take care of their lawns themselves. But there are also many other people who would prefer not to have to worry about lawn care. They hire lawn care companies to assist them with their lawns and to provide them with lawn care advice. Would you like to start one of these companies yourself and turn it into a career? If so, you’ll need to start by asking yourself, “How much should I charge to mow a lawn?”

It’ll help you create a successful business model.

Here is a lawn care guide on some of the factors that will help determine what you should charge to care for people’s lawns.

Lawn Type

Did you know that there are lots of different types of grass that make up lawns in the U.S.? From fescues and bluegrass to Bermuda and St. Augustine grass, you’re going to need to know how to care for all types of grass.

You’re also going to need to know which types of grass are more challenging to care for than others. Finally, it’ll help you decide the answer to the question, “How much should I charge to mow a lawn?” when you come across these kinds of grass.

Lawn Size

In addition to thinking about what kind of grass you’re going to be cutting when coming up with a price for mowing a lawn, you’ll also need to take lawn size into account. The larger a lawn is, the more you’re going to want to charge for it.

Even if mowing a big lawn doesn’t take that much more time out of your day, you still shouldn’t be shy about charging more for it. It’s going to cost you more to mow, so you should charge for your mowing services accordingly.

Lawn Care Extras

Most homeowners are going to ask you to do more than jow their lawns when you visit their houses. They’ll also ask you to do things like weed whacking, edging, pruning, etc.

It will help if you work these lawn care extras into the mix when coming up with prices for customers. It would help if you also tried to extend as many of these extras as you can to make your lawn care service more profitable.

Visit to find out about some of the lawn care services you should be offering.

So, How Much Should I Charge to Mow a Lawn?

There will never be a definitive answer to the question, “How much should I charge to mow a lawn?” So the price you ask people to pay for lawn care should depend on each of these specific factors.

It’s why it’ll be important for you to get into the habit of offering free quotes to customers. It’ll allow both you and your customers to get on the same page prior to you providing lawn care services for them.

Find more useful lawn care tips by checking out the other articles published on our blog.

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