
Injured in a Car Accident? Here Are 9 Things You Need to Do Afterward

Injured in a Car Accident? Here Are 9 Things You Need to Do Afterward

You may think that fender-benders are the most common type of car crash. But that doesn’t mean that a big car accident never happens.

The likelihood of you getting injured in a car accident isn’t tiny. There are at least 20 million reported injuries every year. So you need to know what to do if that happens. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, this post will help. Below are nine things you need to know about after an accident occurs.

1. Check for Injuries at the Scene

The first thing you need to do after a car accident is to take care of yourself. If you’re injured, call 911 right away.

If you appear uninjured, check on the other driver to determine if they need an ambulance. And if they don’t, get the police on the Scene so you can file an accident report.

Make sure not to allow the other person to talk you out of filing a report. Filing your claim with the insurance company will be trickier if you have hidden injuries.

2. Gather Evidence

If you don’t need immediate medical attention, gathering as much Evidence at the Scene as possible is vital. You want all the proof to show the insurance company that you aren’t at fault.

Start by taking pictures of all the damage to both cars. You want to capture the damage to both vehicles so the insurance company can get a better view of what happened.

Once you get your pictures, get as much information about the other driver as possible. Get their car make, license plate number, insurance information, and driver’s license if possible.

3. Call Your Insurance Company

Once you gather all your information, you need to get in touch with your insurance company. Even if the other person is at fault, you still need to let your insurance provider know what’s happening.

Doing this will give you options if the other driver’s insurance company doesn’t want to provide you with compensation for damages. In addition, your provider will be able to prepare beforehand so they can work to give you the benefits you deserve.

Your insurance provider may also need to cover your expenses while waiting for the other driver’s provider. For example, you may have to pay your deductible upfront, but it will be refunded once the other insurance provider decides.

4. See Your Doctor

If your accident didn’t require immediate medical attention, it’s time to see your doctor. Your injuries may be more severe than they look. So you need a doctor to examine you to see if the crash causes more problems.

Your body will be full of adrenaline after your accident. It may take days or weeks before you start noticing hidden injuries. Make sure you have all the information before you make your claim.

5. Don’t Wait Too Long to File

You may want to wait until you get more information before you file your insurance claim. But waiting too long can get you in trouble.

Every insurance company has a statute of limitations on filing claims. If you go past that date, you won’t be able to file for benefits. So make sure you understand how long you have to file your claim.

6. Be Careful What You Say

The other driver may ask you about any injuries after the accident. It’s important not to give them too much information.

Always remember that they aren’t necessarily your friend in these situations. Instead, they have their interests to look out for.

If you say the accident didn’t injure you, insurance companies can hold it against you. So make sure to save injury talk until you see a doctor. Don’t guess how badly your hurt.

The same thing applies to insurance companies. When you speak to the adjuster, they may ask you the same questions differently. So, again, make sure you know your answers, so they don’t hold what you say against you.

7. Document the Medical Process

Your first visit to the doctor may not tell you everything. You’ll learn about the time you need to take off work, medical procedures, and medication you need over time. You need to keep track of all of this.

If you don’t, the insurance company may not have an accurate number available to award you for damages. In addition, if you wait too long to tell the insurance providers the actual cost of your injuries, all your medical expenses and lost wages may not be included in your claim.

8. Be Prepared to Fight for More Money

You won’t have trouble getting a settlement from car insurance companies for minor injuries. The amount is small enough that it will all be covered.

Things are more complicated if you have a more severe injury.

In such cases, your medical bills may cost more than the insurance policy covers. An insurance provider may try to get around paying all your accounts. It would help if you were prepared to negotiate your settlement in cases like this.

9. Consider Hiring an Attorney

Going through a car accident injury isn’t an easy process. If you’re injured, dealing with insurance companies will only stress you more. If this is the case for you, consider hiring an attorney to help.

When you hire an attorney, you’re bringing in someone with a history of dealing with cases like yours. They can handle the legwork while you focus on getting better. If the insurance company tries to deny you, an attorney will also know what to do to increase your chances of winning your case.

Take Care of Yourself After You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident

Recovering from a car accident injury is a serious concern. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, make sure you take the proper steps to get the care you deserve.

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