
5 Best Photo Sharing Sites Like Foodgawker

Photo Sharing Sites

Photo-sharing sites are pretty common nowadays, especially regarding keeping your memories safe.

In this regard, Foodgawker has been around for a while at the mountain’s peak, but it is mainly thought of for people who love to share food pictures.

For this reason, we decided to bring you a list of the best places to keep and share yours! So keep on reading:

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Another online community where you can show off your best photographs, images, and illustrations, is Dribbble, which works as a website to self-promote your web designs or graphic designs and many other areas involving creativity.

It has ten years of belonging to wide cyberspace since its creation in 2009 and has about 460,000 users making use of it to bring out their best work and collaborations for the enjoyment of all.


The main disadvantage of Dribbble, and the one that has become a reason for criticism for certain artists, is the fact that to belong to this community of designers who seek to expose their ideas and works to the public, you must be invited by another artist who is already registered on the website.

Besides this, the platform is only available in English and is quite wordy, so you will have to make arrangements if that’s not your first language.


Official Site

And speaking of sharing photos and beautiful images, another one that can’t escape our list of the best photo-sharing sites is Fancy. Although visually similar to another great photo board community, the interface is different.

There are no “likes” or comments at Fancy that can distract you from your real mission: viewing the best quality photos, images, and designs. Its interface is simple and very clean, taking you directly to what you are looking for and giving you the possibility to add it to your collections.

This e-commerce website has, for the most part, an audience from the United States, but it has managed to cover other borders, such as India, France, and China.


Possibility to buy some of the things you see in photos and images (through the redirect links to other websites, although the idea of being able to do it directly from Fancy’s website very soon is maintained).

After strolling through all the categories presented by, you’ll realize that you have all the images you’re looking for in categories such as Kitchen & Bar, Home Decor, Art, and Accessories and Shoes. This website with a simple but attractive design.


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Of course, Pinterest was a yes or yes in our list of web platforms to share and discover interesting photos and images.

Its popularity is more than certified; on that, we all agree. Its multilingual platform has allowed it to reach many corners of the world, creating a global community to post, share, and “paint” attractive images with informative or recreational value.


Of course, being one of the most popular nowadays and becoming a new phenomenon, very much like Instagram (with a “pin” interface and not “like”), there are certain weaknesses that can be seen, such as the fact that spam links can be generated since you can link any existing link to your posts, but not all users are as responsible as you are so that it can be a problem.

The link spam is also added to the shopping spam, which could be another of the great weaknesses presented in the platform, but has not generated greater risk. Finally, of course, it should be mentioned that a few more websites also have similarities in interface and design, so it should be kept in constant innovation.


Official Site

And closing our list of the best photo-sharing sites like Foodgawker, we have Yummly, which, as its name indicates, refers to delicious things like food, sweets, and everything in the world of gastronomy.

This web platform allows you to visualize in a super-easy way a great number of recipes adapted to your wishes, needs, and tastes. In addition, it presents you with recipes that already exist on other websites of the same style, such as FoodNetwork, Epicurious, or even Martha Stewart’s website, or AllRecipes, combining them all in one place so that you don’t miss a thing.


Yummly is presented as a novel platform, so customize your preferences and establish specifically what special requirements you have (calories, portions, etc.). The web provides a fairly personalized experience.

Juxtapost (The website is unavailable)

Juxtapost is another platform to discover quite attractive and quality images and photographs. As a member, you will be able to get closer to other community members and see what’s new on its posting walls.

Tag, share, and discover hundreds of new images from any category. Juxtapost is undoubtedly one of the best photo-sharing sites you will find. If your thing is to appreciate food or get good recipes in photos, on this web platform, you will surely find what you are looking for because there is plenty of valuable content to appreciate.


The list of features and advantages of using the Juxtapost platform is long. However, in contrast to them, a not-so-nice feature (not to mention a disadvantage because it certainly is not) is the website design, which may not be as attractive to the community and mostly consists of young people between 18 and 24 years.

In the end

Sharing your photos or artistic work is important for many reasons, and here you get amazing sites to start. When it comes to food, sure, Foodgawker is amazing, but Pinterest, Dribble, and Fancy are also great sites, especially if what you have is art or design.

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