
5 Tips for Working With PDF File Formats

PDF File Formats

The average American computer usage has grown in the last three decades. In 2016, almost 80 percent of households kept a computer. With so much technology usage, most people are inclined toward using things like Microsoft Office and other applications.

One of the most widely used (after Word documents) is PDF, Portable Document Format, originally made by Adobe. Although we know what it’s traditionally used for, there are some real tricks you can do with PDF file formats that can save you time.

Here are five tips that can help you learn more about PDFs and, hopefully, make them more effective to use than other apps.

PDF File Formats

PDF is often used for scanning documents, but there are definitely some more cool features to learn. Although there are several different PDF apps like c# pdf creator, these directions will be geared toward Adobe.

1. Extracting From PDFs

With PDFs in Acrobat, you can take pages in larger PDFs and extract them to create individual documents. In order to do this, open your original document. Click on Tools>Pages>Extract.

From there, you are able to select your desired specifications to create the individual document that you need.

2. Searching in PDFs

If you are looking for specific words or groups of words in an extensive document, you can search for it. You can simply press ctrl+F on PC (or command+F on Mac) to find them.

Or, if you are looking for a more advanced search, you can go to Edit>Advanced Search>Open Full Reader Search. With this, you can sort by subject, text, or other lists.

3. Signing PDFs

Signing online documents are made easy on PDF, but first, there are two types of online signing types:

You can create both, but if you need a ‘handwritten’ signature, you can add it to the document by clicking “Fill and Sign”. Click “Sign” and then “Add Signature.”

From there, you can choose “Type” (to simply type it in), “Draw” (to sign it in with the cursor or a touchscreen), or “Image” (use a pre-created signature). When this is completed, click “Apply,” and you’re done.

4. Merging PDFs

If you want to combine different documents, you can do that too. In Adobe Acrobat, go to File>Create>Combine Files into a Single PDF. It’s fairly simple, and it saves you hours of extra work.

5. Protecting and Encrypting

Probably the most important, you can edit your document to add passwords for access, encryptions, or even redactions. If you click Tools>Protection, it gives you several options.

Working With PDF Files

PDF file formats are easy to use and can make your document more dynamic. These previously little-known tips could come to your aid and can save you time and money as well.

You should use PDF to help you with all your business and professional needs. You’ll be surprised to find other tricks you can use to improve your work.

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