
6 Top Conspiracy Sites like Infowars

There have been cover-ups and attempts to subdue humanity since the beginning of time. From Barbarians who came thundering down the mountains to attack and pillage to secret government agencies who’s soul, the purpose is to hide the truth. Freedom of speech is one thing but the freedom to know what’s going on in the world is another. Will we ever really know what really happened to Kennedy or if the moon landing was real?

Alex Jones is the voice of Infowars. He speaks the truth and isn’t afraid of the consequences. Is Infowars reliable, you ask? It tries to be. The information Alex portrays to you is what he knows. Whether that’s the whole truth or not is up for debate. Alex’s main goal in life is to have a unique voice that will sift through the junky information, leave you with the cold hard facts, and expose humanity’s underlying intentions.

Sites Like Infowars

Facts have been manipulated for ages. Even if we feel free, we are being controlled by others higher up. What we know is what they feed to us. The curious try to know more. Some manage to suss out the secrets while others get punished for their inquisitiveness.

Alex Jones built Infowars to take away censorship and to expose what we should all know. We all live in the same world. We should be able to know what’s going on. There aren’t a lot of sites that do what Alex Jones does. We’ve searched the web to find more of the same. Check out the list below for more sites like Infowars that speak the truth.

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Official Site

Breitbart is a great addition to our list of websites like Infowars. This site focuses on far-right politics: traditions, real or imagined, as opposed to customs and policies. Created by Andrew Breitbart, this site has a large collection of conspiracy theories, falsehoods, and intentionally misleading stories.

Breitbart is pro-freedom. He isn’t afraid to mention controversies and hard-hitting subjects like racism on his website. Read up on government and Hollywood cover-ups and national security issues on this website that is considered one of the top alternative media sites on the web.

Project Censored

Official Site

Project Censored must be added to our list of top conspiracy websites. This site lets the people know about the news that didn’t make the news. The public has a right to know what’s going on in the world. Through investigative journalism, critical thinking, and media literacy, Project Censored truly becomes a free press website.

Without full access to relevant news and opinions, humanity cannot truly evaluate government rituals for themselves. Project Censored removes censorship and black marks on files for you to know the whole story. For the best free-thinking news, click on the link above.

The Truth Seeker

Official Site

There’s a lot of information on The Truth Seeker. Most of it is unbelievable and will raise suspicion in any conspiracists mind. Learn more about the Boston Marathon bombing, September 11th, and real-life X-files on this site.

Did you know there was a Canadian Holocaust or that Russia has been testing 4,600mph hypersonic weapons? The truth is exposed to all on The Truth Seeker. If you’re looking for one of the best conspiracy theory websites on the net, look no further than The Truth Seeker for the cold hard facts that everyone across the globe should know about.


Official Site

Our list of sites like Infowars must include Conspiracies. This is another website that wants you to know what’s really going on. Learn about proven truths, government and celebrity conspiracies, epidemics, aliens, and political cover-ups on this website.

Most of the conspiracies floating around are based on myths and made up stories, but some are real. Conspiracies try hard to figure out what really happened and what didn’t. Join the wanderers’ community and give your opinion on the subjects that hit you close to the heart. If you have a theory about something in the world, don’t be shy. Send Conspiracies a message, and if they think you’re story has merit, it will be published to their site for all to see.

The Blaze

Official Site

The Blaze is an online newspaper and radio show dedicated to talking truth about the world. Learn about a ton of things from economics fails to aliens hidden in Roswell. You can watch videos, listen to podcasts, and read stories on The Blaze. Each one is more powerful and hard-hitting than the last. Once things for sure, The Blaze is definitely one of the top conspiracy websites on our list.

One of the best perks that come with this site is saving your stories for later. Click the star to view whenever it is best for you. Don’t forget to add your favorite podcast hosts to your saved content, too, so you can stay up-to-date with their discussions and debates.

Guerrilla News

Official Site

Lastly, on our list of sites like Infowars, we must add Guerrilla News. Guerrilla News has one purpose, to expose people to important global issues that have been hidden from them. This is one of the best alternative media sites for original articles, multimedia, reporting, commentary, and news articles from several sources, agencies, and blogs.

Thousands of articles on this site vary from how weight gain in babies can affect their IQ to suspicious “holes” in the global economy. This website uses an in-your-face approach to portray the world as it really is. If you’re not afraid of powerful stories and audacious comments, check out Guerrilla News.

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