What Are the Best Autism Books for Parents?

Are you taking care of a child who suffers from autism? Perhaps you want to do better at providing them care or finding ways to make life easier for them. Although autistic children get therapy to aid their symptoms, there will be times when you should know how to control the situation. But with all the resources available, where should you start? We’ve put together a few of the best autism books for parents you can check out. Let’s begin!

Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew

When learning about autism, this is a good book to start with. There’s also a reason it’s one of the first recommendations experts give after you get your child’s autism diagnosis.

It expands on ten concepts to help you understand the behavior and identity of people within the autism spectrum. Moreover, it talks about how to handle communication, relationships, and other challenges.

This way, you get a deeper understanding of their struggles and needs. It also teaches you how to bring out your child’s potential beyond their condition.

The Reason I Jump

This book focuses on the story of a 13-year-old boy with autism. Even so, it discusses a unique first-person perspective of what it’s like to live with such a condition.

It’s a good book to teach you about what living with autism actually feels like, including how they think, feel, and perceive everything around them. Through this, you get to showcase more empathy and patience toward your child because it gives you a glimpse of what goes on in their mind.

Start Here

Start Here is a guide made for parents of children with autism, written by individuals who also have autistic kids. It covers the basics of everything you need to know about how to handle their condition.

A few of the notes you can find in the book include the following:

  • How to find good services
  • Where to get resources
  • What are their educational rights are
  • How to support them in their growth

It also discusses other deeper topics, making it an excellent choice if you’re starting your journey to understand autism better.

Uniquely Human

Many suggest reading Uniquely Human if you want to learn more about how autism affects each individual and makes them unique. With the way the content goes, it teaches you how to make your child shine through their condition by focusing on their strengths.

The author is an advocate of autism and explains his experiences along the way. So, you get a glimpse of how to actively engage with children who go through the same encounters.

Navigating Autism

If you want to focus on learning about the signs of autism and how to navigate through them, this book is a great starting line. It presents different perspectives from people who have worked with autistic children.

ABA therapy books like this provide you with suggestions and checklists to guide you through your journey caring for a child with autism. You can also learn more about the treatment with Blossom ABA therapy.

Check Out Some of the Best Autism Books for Parents Right Here

While there are lots of great resources, you may want to know the best autism books for parents if you aren’t too familiar with how to handle them. This way, you get a less complicated head start and gradually grow from there.

You can learn more by checking out the rest of our blog.

Diana Muniz
Diana Muniz

With over 20+ years of experience in a variety of corporate and entrepreneurial environments, Diana has developed a great understanding of Marketing Strategy, Brand Development, Customer Success, Public Relations and Management. Her internal drive for developing others and external brands, has allowed her to work in some of the largest cities in the world including Milan, Paris, NY, Mexico, and the Middle East. This experience has been fundamental to Diana’s success and ability to communicate cross-culturally.
