When Do You Need to Get Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal?

If you’ve been getting recurring infections and don’t know why, you may have impacted wisdom teeth and not even know it. When teeth one in a hard-to-reach spot and become hard to clean, the bacteria starts to build up, and the potential for infection is increased. Are you ready to learn more about wisdom teeth removal? If so, keep reading to learn when you need to get impacted wisdom tooth removal.

Wisdom Tooth Impaction

Wisdom tooth impaction is a common issue that affects many people. When wisdom teeth fail to properly erupt through the gum line, they become impacted and can cause a variety of problems, such as infection, pain, and difficulty speaking or eating.

Impacted wisdom tooth removal is necessary when removal of the tooth is the best solution and is typically recommended when it poses a risk to adjacent teeth and causes infection, pain, or overcrowding of the teeth in the mouth.

Generally, the procedure is performed during adolescence or young adulthood, though in some cases, it may need to be done earlier. If an impacted wisdom tooth is left untreated, it can lead to other dental issues such as abscesses, enamel damage, and even recession of the gums.

Gum Inflammation

Gum inflammation is an extremely common condition that can result from a variety of causes. This ranges from poor oral hygiene to nutritional deficiencies. One of the most common reasons for gum inflammation is impacted wisdom teeth.

In these cases, the wisdom teeth are too big for their socket, and they get stuck and start to press against nearby teeth. This pressure irritates the gums and causes inflammation.

An impacted wisdom tooth needs to be removed to prevent further gum inflammation and other oral health complications. It’s important to get the impacted wisdom tooth removed and consider Invisalign as soon as possible to avoid any lasting damage.

Stiff Jaw

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a variety of problems, including a stiff jaw. When the wisdom teeth are impacted, they cannot come in properly. Their roots can press on other teeth or even erupt in the gum and press on nerves and causing tooth pain and stiffness in the jaw.

Wisdom tooth removal is usually recommended when a patient has a stiff jaw caused by impacted wisdom teeth. This will relieve the pressure and discomfort. The procedure typically involves a local anesthetic and sometimes sedation.

This depends on the patient’s needs. Removal of the impacted teeth can help improve overall jaw health by alleviating the pressure and pain caused by the impacted teeth, allowing the jaw to move more freely and without the discomfort it previously experienced.

Jaw Pain

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause severe jaw pain due to the pressure they put beneath the gums. If the wisdom tooth isn’t removed, the jaw pain can become more severe over time.

Jaw pain might even spread to other areas of the face or neck. When the wisdom tooth breaks through the gum line, it can cause an infected gum area, pain, and inflammation.

If left untreated, impacted wisdom teeth can cause crowded teeth and cause more damage to the nearby tissues. If your dentist suspects a wisdom tooth is impacted, you should get impacted wisdom tooth removal to alleviate the jaw pain.

Learn More About Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal

Impacted wisdom tooth removal is a tricky procedure that requires the advice of a dental professional who can accurately gauge the risks, benefits, and likelihood of success. With more knowledge, patients can make better decisions about their dental care.

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Yvan Lebrun
Yvan Lebrun

Yvan Lebrun is a trusted expert in the field of product & service reviews. With over a decade of experience analyzing and comparing services online, he shares his valuable experience with readers at GoodSitesLike so consumers can make educated decisions before making a purchase.
